Marketing Insights

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17 Proven Email Marketing Tips to Improve Your Campaigns in 2022

2021-10-12T11:59:16-05:00Content, Marketing|

Email Marketing Made Easy No one wants their inbox to be cluttered with advertising. It's your job, as an email marketer, to send your reader something they actually want. Informative, interesting, and even entertaining emails should be your goal [...]

Bringing together Marketing, Advertising and Sales for Success

2021-12-23T16:02:46-06:00Firefly Marketing, Food for Thought, Marketing, Planning, SEO, Social Media, Website Development|

“If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.” - Yogi Berra Like so many things in life, a diet, exercise, even saving for retirement, if you don’t know where you’re [...]

How Louisiana Businesses Can Adapt to E-Commerce

2022-01-24T16:50:19-06:00E-Commerce, Firefly Marketing, Food for Thought, Marketing, Website Development|

E-commerce has been on the rise for years, and the COVID-19 pandemic has recently caused a dramatic shift in e-commerce spending. According to COVID Commerce Insight, U.S. retailers' online year-over-year (YoY) revenue growth is up 68% as of [...]

5 Steps to Create a Great Social Media Management Strategy

2023-10-19T15:30:34-05:00Firefly Marketing, Food for Thought, Marketing, Planning, Social Media|

Social media is now the “way of the world” and critical to any brand strategy. However, with so much media at our fingertips, it’s easy to understand how your brand and its content can get swept under the [...]