Marketing Insights

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Digital Advertising Opportunities for Plastic Surgeons

2024-07-30T13:56:32-05:00Healthcare Marketing, Medspa|

Spanning a number of media formats, digital advertising has become a mainstay in any successful marketing plan. Creating plastic surgery marketing strategies that incorporate text, image, audio, and video provides a well-rounded approach that offers multiple vehicles to capture [...]

Creating Engaging Content for Social Media: Med Spa Edition

2024-07-30T11:20:19-05:00Healthcare Marketing, Medspa|

A marketable alternative to plastic surgery, med spas provide a number of non-surgical procedures and therapies designed to let patients bring forward their best self. Taking med spa social media to new levels using before and after photos allows [...]

8 Lead Generation Tips to Grow Your Dermatology Clinic

2024-07-30T11:42:06-05:00Healthcare Marketing, Medspa|

Determining how to get more patients in your clinic revolves around creating an online community of leads and then turning those leads into patients. Whether you are gaining followers on your social media channels, boosting advertisements to various users, [...]

Book More Appointments: How To Create Landing Pages For Your Med Spa

2024-07-30T14:12:44-05:00Healthcare Marketing, Medspa|

Incorporating links within social media posts and Google Business Profiles has forced us to think strategically about Landing Pages. Different from your website homepage, a med spa landing page is where your viewers “land” after clicking one of your [...]

A Dermatologist’s Guide To Google Business Profiles

2024-07-29T15:05:06-05:00Healthcare Marketing, Medspa|

Commanding the lion’s share of exposure when patients go online to conduct internet searches, Google provides business owners with an entire suite of services to increase exposure for their goods and services. Integrating with Search and Maps, your Google [...]