How To Reach Local Patients With Facebook Ads
We’ve all experienced it. We search for something on Google and all of the sudden we are seeing ads on Facebook. Sometimes it’s as though we even THINK about a product and, BOOM!, the ads start showing up. As social media accounts have gained traction in recent years, more and more businesses and organizations have taken advantage of a captive audience through the use of a variety of online ads.
As we have mentioned before, Facebook reaches nearly 2 billion users each month, and with a variety of ad solutions, it is easy to customize your marketing strategy to reach these users as they are scrolling on by.
Relatively inexpensive and customizable to reach your target audience, Facebook Ads provide a wide array of parameters to help you narrow the target demographic for your ads, including Gender, Age, Location, Interests, Education Level, Job, Income, Languages, and much, much more. Allowing you to tailor your ad reach for your specific goals, you can increase engagement through targeted patient groups, rather than creating broad ads that may get overlooked.
First, it’s important to understand the various types of Facebook ads for medical practices to take advantage of to reach various members of their communities.
Types Of Facebook Ads
Facebook Ads Manager is a multifunctional tool that allows you to create ads that are interjected within your patient’s News Feed. It is important that for each ad, you create a goal and target audience to maximize your impact.
With Placement tools, you can scale your advertising campaign and take advantage of cross-posting your ads on Instagram and Facebook Messenger. A benefit of using Facebook to reach local patients is that you can create ads that stand out in their News Feed by using high quality content that goes beyond only text-based advertisements. You aren’t limited to a single type of ad either! You can utilize various styles based on the audience you are looking to reach.
Choose Your Style
With a healthy mix of Facebook advertising, healthcare providers can target patients as well as supporters and stakeholders within the community, increasing your clinic’s impact in your area.