Web Design & Marketing Services for Louisiana Nonprofits2024-05-17T10:12:45-05:00

Marketing Services for Louisiana Nonprofits

Bring Your Mission To Life

Raise awareness for causes that are close to your heart and expand your reach across untold boundaries by partnering with Firefly Marketing.

Let us help you create strategies that inspire action and growth for your cause.

  • User-Friendly Web Design

  • Event Calendars

  • Local SEO

  • Reputation Management

  • Email Marketing

  • Sign-Up Forms

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A Few of Our Happy Clients

Community sailing new orleans logo

Firefly did an amazing job putting together our website for Community Sailing New Orleans! Very professional and responsive. Would highly recommend to anyone.

Greater New Orleans Executives Association Logo
Jeff Davis Parish Logo
Lafayette Economic Development Authority Logo
Episcopal logo

Let’s Chat
Our Team is Here For You

Inspire Action

Inspire Action

Branding that Matches your Mission

Build your nonprofit’s brand and establish a consistent message. By doing this you are well on the way to advancing your mission through a marketing strategy that leads to increased funding, support, and awareness for your cause. Let us help you engage with your community through captivating storytelling and design. Let’s spark ideas and inspire the community that breathes life into your organization.

Community Sailing New Orleans Website Mockup
Website design for Jeff Davis Parish Gator Chateau

Engaging with Local Communities

The need for increased accessibility will grow as your audience expands. Which is why at Firefly we are committed to helping you scale your operations by either developing a custom application or by helping you to integrate the one that make the most sense. We pride ourselves on being an extension of your team– when you grow, we grow.

Website design for Jeff Davis Parish Gator Chateau


Nonprofit Marketing FAQs

What is display advertising?2023-09-12T14:55:58-05:00

Display Ads are most commonly seen as banner ads that increase brand awareness and recollection by running an ad on an affiliated webpage and directing patients to your website and social media platforms. Customizable with demographic or interest targeting, you can place ads within a group of sites that align with your chosen keywords.

Why is online reputation management important?2023-09-12T14:57:08-05:00

Your online reviews and testimonials act as your digital first impression. Be proactive about your online reputation and take control of the marketing power of the internet. Within 7 seconds of an in-person meeting, people begin to develop their impression of you, and when you take that interaction online, the time is reduced dramatically.

What is the best way to market a non-profit through Facebook?2020-02-27T13:24:47-06:00

Facebook can be a big help to non-profits. The number one goal here is spreading awareness of your organization and your mission which can be accomplished through posts that educate audiences and showcase your efforts (events, fundraising opportunities, etc.).

Why do non-profit organizations need a website?2020-02-27T13:24:00-06:00

Websites are the backbone of any digital marketing strategy. For non-profits, websites act as a home base that is able to inform and guide users to inspire action.

Are billboards an effective advertising tool for non-profits?2020-02-27T13:23:17-06:00

As a non-profit, your goal is get your message seen and heard by large audiences. Billboards with high visibility, and other traditional marketing methods, are an excellent way to increase brand awareness, especially when paired with a digital marketing strategy.

How does digital marketing help NGOs?2020-02-27T13:22:31-06:00

Digital marketing works for NGOs the same way it supports commercial businesses. Both have goals that can be achieved through marketing. Paid advertising campaigns help you capture leads (donors), while social media and email marketing can help to share your mission with interested audiences.

Who We Are

About Firefly

Firefly Marketing, pioneers of the digital marketing era, has provided brilliant marketing, advertising, creative and digital services to clients since 1998. We have gained an unprecedented level of experience and expertise in everything from website development to traditional advertising and marketing, PR, mobile marketing, social media – virtually any and every type of marketing imaginable.