Marketing for Government Agencies & Economic Development2024-05-17T10:09:20-05:00

Marketing for Government Agencies & Economic Development

Marketing That Makes An Impact

Creating a regional marketing strategy that appeals to a wide range of audiences while working with a tight budget can be daunting.

Let’s work together to create a custom solution that will leave a lasting impact.

  • User-Friendly Web Design

  • Content Development

  • Local SEO

  • Email Marketing

  • Brochures, Flyers, & More

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Our Results Speak for Themselves

In Only 2 Months for AHBA

Increase in Social Traffic
Increase in Facebook Followers
Increase in Instagram Followers

Let’s Chat
Our Team is Here For You

Simplify Your Marketing

Simplify Your Marketing

A Few of Our Happy Clients

7602 Coach

I’m so grateful for my fabulous website & even more so for the care and attention it gets for critical updates to keep looking so good! Y’all are the best!

Greater New Orleans Executives Association Logo
Lafayette Economic Development Authority Logo
Jeff Davis Parish Logo
AHBA Color logo

Digital Marketing Aligned with Your Goals

We employ a variety of data-driven strategies to help you reach your goals. With the help of online ads, targeted social media campaigns, email marketing and more, we create captivating and engaging content for your target market.

Let’s expand your audience by creating a multi-faceted campaign.

Website Design Services for Jeff Davis Parish portfolio image

Content for a Modern Audience

Marketing for government or economic development thrives when streamlined functions meet modern website design and tailored content. Attracting tourism and encouraging local business evolves from successfully understanding your target audience’s wants and needs. By creating a compelling message of diversity and inclusion, it is possible to create a content strategy relevant to each audience segment. Then, with the use of digital media we can push this targeted content to the hands of the public as efficiently as possible.


Government & Economic Development Marketing FAQs

What is display advertising?2023-09-12T14:55:58-05:00

Display Ads are most commonly seen as banner ads that increase brand awareness and recollection by running an ad on an affiliated webpage and directing patients to your website and social media platforms. Customizable with demographic or interest targeting, you can place ads within a group of sites that align with your chosen keywords.

Why is online reputation management important?2023-09-12T14:57:08-05:00

Your online reviews and testimonials act as your digital first impression. Be proactive about your online reputation and take control of the marketing power of the internet. Within 7 seconds of an in-person meeting, people begin to develop their impression of you, and when you take that interaction online, the time is reduced dramatically.

How can I ask clients for reviews?2023-09-12T14:59:49-05:00

Asking for reviews can be awkward, but there are ways to make it easier and smoother. Try creating prompts for your staff to use at the end of a project. Print reminders on your mail outs, in-office signage, and on any other materials you use. Place call-to-action reminders throughout your website and social media. No matter what methods you use, remember to make it as seamless as possible for clients to leave you a review. 

How can custom application development help local communities?2020-08-07T15:22:06-05:00

Custom software provides many more solutions that make your day-to-day processes easier. With solutions tailored to your specific needs,, your application becomes more scalable and provides you with direct support from our development team. Examples of custom application development can be found everywhere, including online employee portals, account management tools, scheduling tools, volunteer coordination platforms, and more.

What is the importance of website design for government agencies?2020-08-07T15:21:20-05:00

Websites are the number one channel for sharing resources across an entire region. They allow for easy access to information and answers to frequently asked questions from any location. Having a user-friendly website to answer questions helps government agencies focus on the job at hand serving their community.

Why should local governments use social media?2020-08-07T15:20:40-05:00

Social media is a great way to share important and timely information to large local audiences. Social media is also a great way to engage with your community and learn more about their thoughts and struggles. 

What role does advertising play in economic development?2020-08-07T15:19:49-05:00

In order to grow local economies, you need to encourage tourism and business development. Advertising is your number one resource in attracting new businesses and tourists to your area. Whether it’s a billboard on the interstate or an ad on Facebook, a strong advertising strategy is crucial for economic development.

Who We Are

About Firefly

Firefly Marketing, pioneers of the digital marketing era, has provided brilliant marketing, advertising, creative and digital services to clients since 1998. We have gained an unprecedented level of experience and expertise in everything from website development to traditional advertising and marketing, PR, mobile marketing, social media – virtually any and every type of marketing imaginable.