
eNovativePiano has established itself as a premier resource for learning to play the piano online. This software is used by universities, college students, music studios, and independent students alike. Since the existing system had evolved over the years to include a great deal of features and information, it had become too robust for the original design and build.

eNovativePiano Custom Application Development
eNovative Piano custom development login screen
mobile custom application development for eNovativePiano

The Solution

Firefly rewrote this system from the ground up to have a much more maintainable code-base.

This allows for easier growth in the future, as well as provide a much more intuitive and easier to use interface, allowing instructors and students to configure and access the items they use the most with greater ease.

  • Administrators are able to manage the content of all eNovations and lessons, as well as users, and any associated media files, such as audio, videos, and slideshows.
  • Teachers are be able to manage their workbooks, manage workbook assignments, organize lesson related resources, and communicate with their students using direct messages.
  • Students login to have easy access to their workbooks and assignments, as well as browse the full eNovativePiano curriculum for additional learning. They’re also able to exchange messages with their instructors and fellow classmates using direct messages through the site.


  • Custom Programming

  • Custom Video Creation

  • Application Development

  • Template Creation

  • PDF Generation

  • UI Design & Implementation

  • Hosting & Maintenance

  • Landing Page Design

  • Creative & Concept Development

  • Content Management System

  • Website Design & Production